All Mine 2 Background

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hey There Cupcake!!

There's a new girl in town, and her name is... CUPCAKE!
I'm obsessed with this sign. I once considered making one myself to frame in my house. But I settled for the classic Keep Calm, Carry On (more on that project soon)

Cupcake shops are everywhere... sort of like leggings and Martha Stewart .... seriously people, this chick has her hands in EVERYTHING. And really, when I can dress my dog in this?

Glam and punk at the same time. I can't even stand it.
Why even try to fight it?
You too can buy a fluffy "lamby toy" for your dog... I totally did... oh and it makes snoring sounds too
But back to cupcakes being all the rage... I think it's amazeballs. First of all, they are small, so eating one isn't going to bust the calorie bank. Next, they are delicious. And most importantly, they are cute. 
Houston has finally caught on the craze, and several shops have opened up around town. It is my self assigned task to try as many as possible and notify you, my followers (there are now 8 of you) of the results of my findings on this cupcake investigation.
First we have Crave, located in the Rice Village.

Don't you want to go in? I did.

This is the inside of the store. I had a mini panic attack trying to pick just one... so I picked 2.
I want to smash this in my face and lick the icing off each one.
 I chose dark chocolate (the chocolate one with sprinkles in the back left corner) and chocolate coconut (the one right in front of that one in the second to last row). Malibu Ken with his California ways chose carrot. It was a darn good cupcake, and I think if I had it over to do again, only choosing one, I'd pick the dark chocolate. However, while visiting the website, I see they have chocolate peanut butter, and I will be trying that in the future, as that combination makes me very happy. And if you're wondering about the carrot cupcake, it did not appear to have cream cheese icing. Judge how you will... I'm just sayin'. And one last important piece of information, one cupcake was $3.25.

I did visit the almighty kingdom of Sprinkles. These people are unbelievable. It's said they are the very first cupcake only bakery ever in the entire universe. They started out in LA and got popular with the celebrities. They have driven that cupcake train all the way to the bank, opening up 10 locations across the country. Coming soon to a city near you are more Sprinkles locations, from Paris to Nashville. Last weekend was my first time in a Sprinkles.

The inside of the bakery.

A close up of the cupcakes. There were many choices and the bakery uses the dots to distinguish the flavors.

I had mocha and Malibu Ken had Cinnamon Sugar

Lola had the doggie cupcake. I'm telling you these people are cupcake geniuses!
 While the icing was the best part of the cupcake. Let me just make this clear, it was fabulous. However, I personally thought the cake part was a little crummy. Malibu Ken thought his cupcake was rad. Each cupcake was $3.50, 25 cents more than Crave. The dog cupcake was $2.50. I know, I know, I spent $2.50 on a tiny cupcake for a dog... well.... she's my dog and she's cute! Look at this face and tell me you wouldn't do the same.

I deserve kisses and cupcakes!
I still have much more cupcake investigations to do. On the list is:

Sugarbaby's Cupcake Boutique
Celebrity Cupcakes
Treat!  Cupcakes
Crumbs Bake Shop

Comment and let me know what you thought of Sprinkles and Crave, if there are any other varieties I should try and if there are other cupcake bakeries I need to investigate!

Sugar Kisses, Lauren

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey Lauren - don't forget to check out the cupcake trucks of Houston! These are the ones that I'm aware of:
Frosted Betty
MMM Cupcake

If you need someone to go tastetesting with you, let me know!