All Mine 2 Background

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Spooktacular Party

Last night was my friend JR's Halloween Party. I took great care in taking pictures of all the costumes for you to enjoy.

Hillary came over early to do my makeup. Didn't she do a great job?

JR - a creature from a video game. I'm not really sure of the name of the character, but isn't he creepy?

Loi and Christine - Shake and Fries

Paul and Hillary - A character from the Princess Bride and a New Kids on the Block Superfan.

Roiann - A beer wench. Very nice.

JR's wife, Jennifer - The creepy character from Saw. I don't like scary movies, so I am not familiar with this character, but everyone thought it was a very good costume.

Jason and Melinda- The Blues Brothers

Chris - The monk from Monty Python The Holy Grail

Ahmed - An "undecided voter". How very clever.

Gail and me - Witches, how fitting.

Chris - Uncle Sam, also a very fitting costume for the personality.

JR had a nice DJ booth setup and everyone took turns choosing the music. Hillary and I got our dance on. Isn't she crazy?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL those are funny!